Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy late birthday, Holly!

I'm a bad mother! My youngest dd had a birthday on December 22 and I did not post about it! Of course, what makes that worse is that I did last April when Emily had her birthday, but I believe I was late then, also. In my defense, that week was so busy and stressful, that I barely had time to sleep. I didn't forget her birthday just forgot to blog about it. Holly and her dh, Chris, were gone that week to visit his family that lives in Missouri. We've really not had Christmas with them yet, but they will be coming this weekend for a visit. We'll have birthday cake and Christmas.

So 23 years ago in December I was awaiting impatiently the birth of my second child. We didn't know back then like they do now what sex of child we were expecting. This baby was due Dec. 7th, but didn't want to leave it's Mama evidently, so did not make an appearance until December 22nd. Holly Michele Thompson came into this world at a whopping 10 lb., 5 oz and 23 1/2 inches long. She was born with a headful of black hair and appeared that she was going to look a lot like her sister, but Holly ended up being my changling child. When she lost her newborn baby hair and the new hair started growing it was this blondish/reddish/brown mixture that confounded me, as both her Dad and I have dark hair. When her eyes established a color they were blue and so I thought I was going to have one child with blue eyes like their Dad's. But around the time Holly was 2(the photos of her at age 2 show blue eyes) her eyes slowly began changing color. At first I noticed some brown around her pupil and thought she was going to have hazel eyes perhaps, but the change slowly continued until she ended up with an amber color, not the dark brown like mine and Emily's.

You can see from the picture of Emily and Holly together at Holly's wedding that they didn't end up looking just like each other as we first expected, but I think they both are beautiful and am so proud of both of them. They are my best friends as well as daughters.

So, Happy Birthday, Holly! Love you very much! She is my most faithful blog reader, I believe. Holly begins her last semester in college this time and will be student teaching to get ready to be an elementary teacher. I know she is going to be one of those teachers that the students love because she is going to love her students and has lots of great ideas about how to teach. Hope you have a wonderful year! BTW, the top photo is Holly and her husband, Chris.


Holly said...

You are most definitely not a bad mother! I know you have a lot on your plate right now and I understand what that is like. Thank you for the sweet post about me and my birthday! You are my best friend as well as my we agree on that aspect! I love you very much and thank you for giving me 23 years with a wonderful mother! You are the best! :)

Love you,

Holly said...

P.S. You changed your colors didn't you? Your blog looks pretty!

Holly said...

P.S.S. Chris loves that top picture!

Kim's Treasures said...

Holly and I share a birthday! She was one big baby!

Jeanie said...

OH, Jill, she's so beautiful. She was as a child, and more so now! Happy belated birthday, Holly.

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