Enjoying a long, lazy day of being a slug in a cabin in the mountains of northern Georgia with my dh. We plan on shopping and sightseeing this weekend so we gave ourselves permission to relax today. Or I should say I gave myself permission, as my dh doesn't have the female guilt problem that I do with allowing such a thing as a day with no purpose.
I've finished a book that I'd been reading on a while, Postcards. Started on another, Chasing Dragonflies, and enjoying wireless internet, which is way cool. We have dialup at home and this is so great to visit all the blogs, many of which must have large file-sized pics, and see pages load instantly complete with lovely photos and not blank boxes with red x's. Because, of course, almost everyone has high speed connections these days and most of you won't even know what I'm talking about. At the same time I am enjoying this feast of blogness, I am listening to Pandora online radio, with my own customized music station, and wonder of wonders it is streaming music with not a single skip. Dh even got to listen to one of his sport analyst's radio broadcast this afternoon online which he wouldn't have been able to pick up in this state on the radio. Also, the cabin has a large flat screen HDTV with movie channels, so he is going to be spoiled rotten by that. Life in the 21st century is pretty amazing.
I don't have any scans of my stuff on my laptop, but I do have a few pics taken of earlier work. Today's pic is a 4x4 page done for a chunky book, Faces, in which I did all different pages. Think it was 25 or so.
Talked to my Mom and she said it rained back home, so that is wonderful to hear. It rained here most of the evening yesterday, but after a year of seeing so little rain, it was comforting to hear.
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