Monday, January 19, 2009

One World One Heart Giveaway note

I will be participating again this year, but since I'm in the middle of my work week and my house is topsy turvy right now with a lot going on in our world in general, I don't have my giveaway item scanned and ready to post. Hopefully will be able to get that done by Wednesday. But wanted to remind you all that this wonderful event has begun. If you click on the One World One Heart picture on the right side of my blog it will take you to the main page where the list of participants has already started to grow. Mine won't be there until I'm ready to post my giveaway and email Lisa with the link to my giveaway post.


Holly said...

I look forward to seeing your project! :) I am sure it is beautiful as your art always is :)

Love you,

Jeanie said...

I'm in the same boat -- I'll be getting up my post this weekend!

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