In response to a challenge on the Mad Hat Blog, I am posting some photos of my art room taken without ANY straightening up. Some sad side notes to this, I not too long ago spent quite some time attempting to organize, threw a lot out, and for me this is better organized than it was. At least, I know where things are. Well, it WAS last summer, before my Dad & Mom both had major health problems and of course, I acquire "stuff" here and there. I post this knowing some of you will look at this and possibly scream or laugh hysterically at what was for me a real, honest attempt at organization and trying to do it with what items I had or using inexpensive baskets. At this point in my life, I can't afford to spend a lot on organizing units or shelving.
I am using my youngest dd's old bedroom, only 10'x11' or so. Some of my goals were try to use what I had already, knowing I couldn't do anything structural, to create a small sitting area, a place for music, and a work island or table that I will try to keep clear(cough, cough-notice picture of work island area in the center of the room). So I did what I set out to do, just for an organizational-minded person, I'm sure my efforts are laughable. I decided to post these in the hope that someone out there might
A. get a laugh as noted before
B. there might be the slight off chance someone out there as bad as me would be made to feel better
C. if you're not quite as bad as me, but thought you were bad, you'll feel better knowing there is someone worse
If my Mom used the internet, I don't think I'd post this. Definitely didn't take after her in the way my mind works. In a future phase of further organization, I hope to do better and please keep in mind I am working on several projects right now as time permits, so haven't even been trying to straighten up much, but really if I am working on something my desk top looks like this. SIGH! I should shut up, as in "he that doth protest too much..." or however that goes.
Oh My Jill!!! What a glorious amount of creative stuff you have in such a little space! I enlarged all of your pictures and you do have a wonderful old quilt across that chair...and those bunny pillows are awesome! I love the busts and the lady head on top of the shelf too! You go girl!
I just decluttered my studio/extra bedroom over the last few weeks and now have the space I need and the stuff in proper drawers/storage units. It doesn't help being married to a neatnick as he cringes when he looks in my room!
I had so much stuff that I knew I would never use, so I made up priority flat rate boxes and am sending my overage to friends that will pay the postage!
Thank you for posting these! I fear my room is much the same -- same size and equally as "up to the ceiling" with all things creative. Not a totally bad thing, I think, as long as we can find what we need. (Having said that, I lost some envelopes that matched cards months ago and despite several diggings, haven't been spotted...)
You are lucky you got a table in there. I lug everything out to the dining table to work, which is fine till you're ready to eat!
Well, brave soul, I think you will find yourself not alone! Again, thanks!
Wow Jill,,I think you actually posted pics of my art room. I try to keep mine straight as it is in the same room that Mom had hers in if you remember when you came up here. You walk in the front door and bam! It hits you right in the face. But I don't think I could be as creative if I had to work in a neat studio,,lol.
Hope your having a nice Springy Day!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting your creative space. My husband took a look with me and said, "You must all have the same gene." My art space is very similar and I've been trying to reorganize for a couple of days now. It's looking better every day, but I so appreciate that you posted and that I came across your post. It really is a wonderful space.
Thank you for making me smile.
And that is not messy at all!!
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